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Differences in Processing Grain-Oriented and Non-Oriented Electrical Steel with CNC Slitting Lines
Time : 2024-06-21

CNC slitting lines are highly efficient and precise metal processing equipment widely used for cutting silicon steel. The processing of grain-oriented electrical steel (GOES) and non-oriented electrical steel (NOES) involves distinct approaches due to the differences in material properties. Here are the key differences in processing these two types of silicon steel using CNC slitting lines:

1. Processing Precision Requirements

Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel (GOES):

  • GOES has grains aligned in a specific direction, offering high permeability and low iron loss. Therefore, the cutting process requires higher precision and surface smoothness.
  • CNC slitting lines need to use high-precision tools and advanced control systems to ensure clean and smooth cut edges, avoiding burrs and damage, thus preserving the magnetic properties.

Non-Oriented Electrical Steel (NOES):

  • NOES has randomly oriented grains with similar magnetic properties in all directions. The precision requirements are slightly lower compared to GOES.
  • CNC slitting lines can use standard precision tools, but still need to ensure a certain level of cutting quality to meet application demands.

2. Tool Selection and Maintenance

Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel (GOES):

  • GOES is harder and more brittle, requiring cutting tools made of harder and more wear-resistant materials.
  • The maintenance and replacement frequency of the tools is higher to ensure consistent cutting quality and precision.

Non-Oriented Electrical Steel (NOES):

  • NOES is relatively softer, causing less wear on the tools, which can be made from moderately hard materials.
  • The tools have a longer service life, and the maintenance and replacement frequency is lower.

3. Processing Speed and Efficiency

Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel (GOES):

  • To ensure cutting quality and avoid compromising the material's magnetic properties, CNC slitting lines typically operate at lower speeds when processing GOES.
  • A balance between speed and quality needs to be found to meet high precision requirements.

Non-Oriented Electrical Steel (NOES):

  • Since NOES has lower precision requirements, CNC slitting lines can operate at higher speeds, thus improving production efficiency.
  • Higher processing speeds facilitate mass production while maintaining a certain quality standard.

4. Processing Parameters

Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel (GOES):

  • The processing parameters, such as cutting force, speed, and tool angle, need to be strictly controlled to avoid affecting the material's structure and properties.
  • CNC systems must have high-precision parameter control and adjustment capabilities to handle various specifications of GOES.

Non-Oriented Electrical Steel (NOES):

  • Control of processing parameters is relatively more relaxed, but still needs to be adjusted appropriately based on material characteristics.
  • CNC system operation is simpler, but consistency and reliability must be ensured.


The processing of grain-oriented and non-oriented electrical steel using CNC slitting lines requires different strategies due to their distinct grain structures, hardness, and application requirements. For GOES, the focus is on high precision and quality cutting, while for NOES, the emphasis is on processing efficiency and consistency. By appropriately adjusting the process parameters and tool selection of the CNC slitting lines, overall quality and production efficiency in silicon steel processing can be effectively improved.

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