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Expand The Drilling Function Of PP103 CNC Hydraulic Plate Punching Machine
Time : 2024-05-27
The PP103 CNC hydraulic punching machine is widely used in the tower manufacturing industry. However, for steel plates with a thickness of more than 12 mm, the traditional manual drilling process is inefficient and difficult to guarantee accuracy, which seriously restricts the production process. In response to this problem, after many tests and explorations, we successfully implemented two drilling methods, which greatly improved production efficiency and yield.2. Plate Punching Machine.jpg

The first method: use a hydraulic punching machine as a proofing punch machine

The punch head of the PP103 CNC hydraulic punching machine is transformed into a sample punch. The machine is operated to punch according to the connecting plate procedure. The aperture and number on the steel plate can be printed on the steel plate at one time, avoiding errors caused by manual transfer of the template and ensuring the next step. Drilling accuracy in one step. Although the processing process is slightly cumbersome, it can effectively ensure drilling accuracy.

The second method: add a magnetic drilling device to achieve automatic proofing and semi-automatic CNC drilling

By adding a magnetic drill device to the PP103 CNC hydraulic punching machine, and matching the magnetic drill with the machine, automatic punching and semi-automatic CNC drilling can be achieved. This method not only improves work efficiency and finished product qualification rate, but also expands the use of one piece of equipment to two, with significant cost benefits.

Plate Punching Machine with drilling.png 

Conclusion: Improve production efficiency and ensure product quality

The improved PP103 CNC hydraulic punching machine drills steel plates with a hole spacing accuracy of +0.5 mm and a yield of over 99.5%, making an important contribution to the development of the tower manufacturing industry.

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