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How Do Practitioners In The Middle East Steel Fabrication Industry Keep Up With Industry Development Trends?
Time : 2024-03-06

1. Infrastructure construction:


In January 2023, Saudi Arabia announced that it would invest $500 billion to build a new international airport. The project will require a large number of steel structures, providing huge market opportunities for Middle East steel fabrication companies.

In March 2023, the UAE announced that it would invest US$100 billion to build a new nuclear power plant. The project will also require significant steel structures, providing new growth opportunities for Middle East steel fabrication companies.


2. Economic diversification:


In 2022, the Qatari government announced that it would provide subsidies and tax incentives to steel fabrication companies to encourage the development of domestic steel fabrication.

In 2023, the Omani government announced that it would cooperate with an international steel fabrication company to build a new steel fabrication plant. The project will help Oman increase its steel production capacity and reduce its dependence on imported steel.


3. Technological progress:


In 2022, Israel's ArcelorMittal announced that it would invest US$100 million to develop new steel fabrication technology. This technology will improve steel production efficiency and reduce production costs.

In 2023, Turkey's Erdemir Company announced that it would cooperate with a German company to develop new steel products. The product will have higher strength, corrosion resistance and lightweight properties, and will be widely used in automobiles, aerospace, construction and other fields.


The steel fabrication industry in the Middle East is developing rapidly and has huge potential for future development. Those in the Middle East steel fabrication industry can take the following steps to keep up with industry trends:


1. Actively participate in infrastructure construction projects:


Network with project developers and contractors to learn about upcoming infrastructure projects and their specific steel fabrication needs.

Invest in machinery that can handle large projects, including equipment for cutting, welding and assembling heavy steel structures.

Develop expertise in fabrication steel for specific applications, such as bridges, high-rise buildings or transportation infrastructure.


2. Seize opportunities for economic diversification:


Focus on quality and efficiency, and compete with international manufacturers by continuously producing high-quality steel products and optimizing production processes.

Explore opportunities for government support and research government subsidies, tax incentives, etc.

Build strong partnerships with local companies to create a strong domestic supply chain.


3. Accelerate the pace of technological innovation:


Stay informed about emerging technologies and attend industry conferences, webinars and trade shows to learn about the latest advances in automation and robotics.

Invest in employee training programs to provide employees with the skills they need to effectively operate and maintain automated machinery.

Consider implementing pilot projects with new technologies to start small to test the feasibility and benefits of automation before making large-scale investments.


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