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How To Unload The Steel Coil After The Slitting Machine Completes Its Work?
Time : 2024-03-08

1. After confirming that each strip steel has been circumferentially bundled tightly, lift the separating roller. Then in order:

a. Start the roller "reduction";

b. Start the roller to rotate forward;

c. Start the "increasing diameter" of the roller. The purpose is to make the front part of the slitted strip steel leave the roller jaw and straighten the elbow.


2. Start the roller "reduction" and raise the saddle bracket of the unloading trolley to support the steel coil so that a certain gap is formed between the inner diameter of the steel coil and the roller.


3. Make the unloading trolley move slowly laterally, withdraw the steel coil from the roller, thread the wire rope and hook, instruct the crane operator to lift the steel coil to the designated storage location, and mark the steel coil according to regulations. Finally, the saddle bracket of the unloading trolley is lowered and reset.、

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