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Mechanical Turret Punch Press Vs. Servo Turret Punch Press
Time : 2024-03-18
1. Mechanical Turret Punch Press


The mechanical turret punch press has a single structure and movement characteristics, few processing techniques, and is easily affected by the processing techniques.

The mechanical motor drives the flywheel to rotate. When punching, there is a pneumatic clutch. When working, the clutch is in a closed state. When not working, the clutch is open.

turret station.jpg

2. Servo Turret Punch Press


With the improvement and promotion of high-torque servo motors and drive systems in recent years, servo turret punch press have made great progress, and have gradually replaced hydraulic turret punches and become the mainstream product in the industry.

Compared with traditional mechanical turret punches and hydraulic turret punches, servo CNC turret punches have the following advantages:

(1) Good versatility and high level of intelligence. Due to the servo function, the punch movement curve is no longer just a sinusoidal curve, but an arbitrary curve that can be optimized and designed according to process requirements, which greatly improves the processing performance and expands the processing range.

(2) High accuracy. The encoder on the servo motor can feed back the rotation angle information of the crank to the CNC system. Then through the functional relationship between the punch displacement and the crank angle, the real-time data of the punch position can be obtained, forming a semi-closed loop control to achieve Precise control of punch movement.

(3) High production efficiency. The servo turret punch can adjust the stroke of the punch according to different processing techniques, and only needs to swing at a certain angle to complete the processing, which further shortens the cycle time and greatly improves production efficiency.

(4) Energy saving and environmental protection. The CNC turret punch press driven by a servo motor completely relies on the torque of the motor. The servo motor only rotates when the punch moves, and the energy saving effect is very obvious.

(5) Small vibration and low noise. By setting the speed characteristic curve of the punch, when the upper die contacts the plate, the movement speed of the punch is appropriately reduced. Compared with traditional mechanical and hydraulic CNC turret punches, the noise can be reduced by 8 to 12dB.


In short, the Servo Turret Punch Press will rotate when punching. It is controlled by the servo motor. When not punching, the motor will not rotate. Therefore, the servo turret punch machine saves more power and has better punching effect. The device is more stable.


3. Hydraulic Turret Punch Press


Hydraulic turret punches will leak oil after working for a long time, which requires a lot of time and cost to maintain. Many factories have stopped producing this equipment.





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