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The Difference Between CNC Beam Drill Line 7-Axis And 4-Axis
Time : 2024-04-28
CNC Beam Drill Line has both 7 CNC axes and 4 CNC axes. The low-speed CNC Beam Drill Line has 4 CNC axes and the high-speed CNC Beam Drill Line has 7 CNC axes.


The CNC Beam Drill Line with 7 CNC axes is more expensive, but the processing efficiency is also higher. Each drilling spindle can perform two-coordinate CNC movement, plus CNC feeding, so there are seven CNC axes. Especially when the holes on the wing plate and web are not in the same section, the three drilling heads can still Work simultaneously. And when processing holes within the hole group, the workpiece does not move and the drilling head moves CNC. When processing holes outside the hole group, the workpiece moves CNC, so the positioning speed is fast and the positioning accuracy is high.

The CNC Beam Drill Line with four CNC axes is lower cost but lacks the above advantages.


The workpiece-moving CNC Beam Drill Line is suitable for the processing of medium and small H-beams. This method facilitates continuous production with a high degree of automation and is easy to realize automatic connection with band saws and lock milling. For example SWZ Seires CNC Beam Drilling Line.


The workpiece-fixed CNC Beam Drill Line is suitable for processing large steel beams and columns. Because the moving speed of large steel beams is too slow and the power required for movement is too large, it is not suitable for moving the workpiece. Therefore, the workpiece needs to be fixed to allow A gantry equipped with two horizontal spindles and an upper spindle is used for CNC movement, such as THD CNC Beam Drill Line. However, for the processing of medium and small steel, it is not suitable to use the method of fixing the workpiece, because this method is not easy to realize automatic connection with the band saw and lock milling.


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