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The Difference Between CNC Drilling Machine and CNC Milling Machine
Time : 2023-11-23

1. From a rigid point of view

The drilling machine only bears large vertical force and small lateral force;

Milling machines require good rigidity, because in addition to large vertical forces, milling forces also have to bear large lateral forces.

2. From a structural point of view

Most drilling machines only need to feed vertically;

The milling machine not only needs to feed vertically, but most importantly, it also needs to feed horizontally and vertically.

Drilling machine refers to equipment that mainly uses drill bits to drill workpieces. Under normal circumstances, the rotation of the drill bit is the main motion, and the axial movement of the drill press is the feed motion. The entire structure of the drilling machine is relatively simple, and the machining accuracy is very low. It can perform operations such as through holes and blind holes on the workpiece. In addition, it can perform tool replacement by itself, and can perform processing procedures such as hole expansion and tapping.

A milling machine is a machine tool that uses a milling cutter to process the plane of the workpiece. In addition to processing the workpiece plane, the milling machine can also process grooves and gears. In addition, milling machines can also process workpieces with more complex shapes. If you want to use a drill instead of a milling machine for processing, you can first make a fixture to position the workpiece. In addition, drill a hole in the spindle of the drill machine to fix the milling cutter. .

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