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Understanding the Edging Formula in CNC Slitting Lines
Time : 2024-07-16

As a CNC Slitting Lines supplier, one of the frequent inquiries we receive from customers is about the "edging formula." Understanding this concept is crucial for ensuring the precision and quality of the final product in various industrial applications. In this blog, we will delve into what the edging formula entails and its significance in the CNC slitting process.

What is the Edging Formula?

The edging formula refers to the calculation used to determine the width of material that will be trimmed from the edges during the slitting process. This calculation is essential to ensure that the final product meets the required specifications. Let's break down the basic edging formula:

We=WtWfW_e = W_t - W_fWe=Wt−Wf


  • WeW_eWe is the edging width.
  • WtW_tWt is the total width of the material before slitting.
  • WfW_fWf is the final width of the product after the edges have been trimmed.

Importance of the Edging Formula

Precision and Quality

Accurate edging calculations are vital for maintaining the precision and quality of the final product. By knowing exactly how much material to trim, manufacturers can avoid excess waste and ensure that the product dimensions are within the specified tolerances.

Material Utilization

Proper use of the edging formula helps in optimizing material utilization. By minimizing waste, manufacturers can reduce costs and increase the efficiency of their operations. This is especially important in industries where material costs constitute a significant portion of the production expenses.

Edge Treatment

The edging formula also considers any specific edge treatments required. This can include processes like polishing, beveling, or deburring, which are crucial for enhancing the functionality and appearance of the final product.

How to Apply the Edging Formula

To apply the edging formula effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Measure the Total Width (W_t): Determine the total width of the material before the slitting process begins.
  2. Determine the Final Width (W_f): Specify the desired final width of the product after trimming the edges.
  3. Calculate the Edging Width (W_e): Subtract the final width from the total width to obtain the edging width.

For example, if the total width of the material is 1200 mm and the desired final width is 1150 mm, the edging width will be:

We=1200 mm1150 mm=50 mmW_e = 1200 text{ mm} - 1150 text{ mm} = 50 text{ mm}We=1200 mm−1150 mm=50 mm

This means that 25 mm will be trimmed from each edge of the material.


Understanding and applying the edging formula in CNC slitting lines is essential for ensuring precision, optimizing material utilization, and achieving high-quality results. By following the outlined steps and considering any specific edge treatments, manufacturers can enhance their production processes and deliver products that meet stringent specifications.

If you have any further questions about the edging formula or need assistance with your CNC slitting line requirements, feel free to contact us. We are here to provide expert guidance and support for all your slitting line needs.

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