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What Is The Difference Between Single/Dual Spindle Gantry Mobile Plate Drilling Machine?
Time : 2024-02-19
Number of CNC axes of gantry mobile plate drilling machine: 4 axes + 1 spindle

Including 2 X-axis, 1 Y-axis, 1 Z-axis, a total of 4 servo CNC axes and 1 servo CNC spindle

(Because the CNC plate drilling machine is large, it requires two CNC axes to drive in the X-axis direction)

Dual-spindle CNC Plate Drilling Machine Number of CNC axes: 6 axes + 2 spindles

Including 2 X axes, 2 Y axes, 2 Z axes, a total of 6 servo CNC axes and 2 servo CNC spindles.

dual-spindle cnc drilling machine.jpg


Compared with CNC Plate Drilling Machine, the advantages of dual-spindle CNC Plate Steel Drilling Machine are:


1. Processing efficiency: The dual-spindle CNC Plate Drilling Machine has two spindles and can perform two or more processing operations at the same time. This enables the dual-spindle CNC Plate Steel Drilling Machine to complete more work in the same time, improving processing efficiency.


2. Processing accuracy: Since the dual-spindle CNC Plate Steel Drilling Machine has two spindles, it can perform finishing and roughing on the workpiece respectively, thereby reducing the load on each spindle and improving the processing accuracy.


3. Tool management: The dual-spindle CNC Plate Drilling Machine can use more tools at the same time, and can manage and schedule the tools more effectively for complex machining processes.


4. Processing speed: Since the dual-spindle CNC Plate Drilling Machine can drill and mill at the same time, it can work at higher drilling and milling speed, improving processing efficiency.


5. Production cost: Because the dual-spindle CNC Plate Drilling Machine can improve processing efficiency and reduce processing time and labor costs, it has advantages in production costs.

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