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Happy Birthday To Jojo!
Time : 2024-03-29

Today is the birthday of our Jojo! as the corporation's network operations professional, jojo has good working ability and excellent professionalism in the past 3 years. she works rigorously and responsibly, bringing many surprises and successes to Jinan Ritec. Her hard work and dedication set an example for the entire team.

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In order to celebrate Jojo's birthday, all Jinan Ritec employees gathered together to send her the most sincere blessings. We prepared flowers and cakes, and all people sat collectively, chatting approximately happy instances and sharing each different happiness and laughter. This afternoon changed into complete of heat and pleasure and have become a lovely memory for us collectively.

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Jojo, happy birthday! On your birthday, we want to tell you that you are an integral part of our team and we are proud and grateful for your dedication and hard work. May additionally you continue to maintain your enthusiasm and vitality inside the new 12 months, and gain extra fulfillment and happiness! 

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We wish you a satisfied birthday, happiness and precise health!

Jinan Ritec Team